Our Chinchilla’s , hand tamed, handled daily, Healthy parents and very clean cages. We only sell great quality animals. USDA Licensed. Small breeding pairs and never inbreeding. . Also, they have daily time and pay area for play outside their cages in safe environment. Babies held and eating completley on their own before arriving to their new home. We Carry all the products we use and have Sevral toys cages and more and will go over their care and can even put together a whole cage package deal for you. Prices vary depends on colors and age.Regular Vet checks ups. They have vet check and health certificate before delivery.
If you do Diet changes etc or treats they are not used to be sure to try tiny amounts and we cant be held responsible for any tummy troubles due to diet /treat changes. We offer lots of toys and activites for stimulation and socializtation. We only sell great quality animals. USDA Licensed. Small breeding pairs and never inbreeding. . Please do your research on diets and care before getting any Exotic :) They can be amazing pets but can also be a challange to care for if you dont learn first.
Enclosure: (will depend on how many mice you have)
Recommend 20 gallon or what I use is the ECO-25 GALLON PVC ENCLOSURE FROM REPTILE HABITATES WITH THE SCREEN TOP. VERTICLE VERSION 16.25Lxt17.25Wx17.25H with screen top.
My colonies conist of pairs and trios. I never house more than this and dont recommend unless you have a much bigger enclosure.
You can house as many females in one cage with tons of hiding spaces
You can house as many males in one cage with tons of hiding spaces
If you mix the sexes only have 1 male per cage as I've seen the females will pick on the one they don't like.
African Pygmy Dormice enclosures should be a large vivarium, as they are arboreal; it is suggested no smaller than a 20 gallon tank (the larger the better) for a small colony. Other options are Repti-breeze chameleon enclosure & Exo-terra terrarium. Dormice are extremely active and need plenty of climbing material, natural enrichment such as branches and logs, as well as plenty of hides and nesting sites (1 per Dormouse). Branches taken straight from woods (Avoid Roadside collecting). Trim the dry branches to size, be sure to use good quality woods for your Dormouse setup. Before use, 1st place them in the oven for around 20 minutes to remove any parasites to make sure they're safe for rodent use. A Dormouse setup will need as many nest boxes as animals in your habitat, to reduce territorial disputes for dominance. Amazon sells many nesting box options with small entrances-holes and multi-chambered, as well as suspended hollowed out coconuts which are favored by keepers. However, do bear in mind that there will be occasions when you may need access to these nests in order to clean them or access babies; especially for a new pair or new colony or an inexperienced owner. The hides will also aid in territorial disputes that occur in larger colonies. It needs to be kept at a minimum temperature of 70°F and up to 80° to prevent them entering a state of torpor. Also, be sure to note that the tank lid should be secure, as Dormice can be escape artists at times. There are No known issues using screen enclosures; they don't seem to chew it, but they do love running all over it. A solid plastic or wooden wheel is great for exercise and a necessity. As for the substrate, I recommend the snake Aspen shaving bedding, as it is low dust and moldable for nesting material. I always recommend to mite treat all wood shaving bedding to avoid issues or mite outbreaks. ‘Sevin dust (food grade)’ is recommended and safe; you can also use pure Diatomaceous earth. Lightly dust the bottom of the enclosure and place the shavings over and mix together. Alternative substrates would be the recycled paper bedding, coconut husk or regular Aspen shavings. AVOID using Pine, Cedar or bedding with color dyes, as these can cause respiratory issues.
African Pygmy Dormice need a VERY varied diet; including provisions made for nectar, since a wild Dormouse diet would not only include nectar and pollen but also saps and other sweet gums. Live food such as crickets, mealworms and fly larvae can also be introduced and provide vital natural enrichment. Dormice love their fruits, which should be given daily in small quantity to avoid an obese Dormouse. Citrus fruits are NOT approved, but the following are: apples, bananas, blueberries, cherries, mango, melon, papaya, pear, persimmon, physalis, sharon fruit and tomato. Dried fruit is often ignored, so fresh fruit is best. You can choose to chop fresh fruits or there is the alternative utilizing organic baby food (Fruit only) Just be sure to change every other day, to keep fresh. You can provide a nice quality hamster/gerbil food mix that can comprise of items such as hemp, millet, linseed, macademias, maize, nygerseed, pinhead oatmeal, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, rolled oats, safflower, sunflower seeds together with finch/parakeet seed base. Fennel seed can be added to reduce the smell of urine. Millet sprays can be hung from your enclosure as well, for enrichment. Scientist say Dormice CANNOT digest plant cellulose, the material of plant cell walls, fiber such as wood, plant leaves and stalks they will ignore the majority of a hamster or mouse mix. Remember to place food somewhere high up where it is less likely to be fouled and change the dishes as needed. Although they get a lot of moisture from their fresh fruit, you must supply a source of water in either a dish or bowl; refreshed daily. As for a Nectar food source; provide locally sourced pollen, organic honey and organic maple syrup; you can mix it altogether or provide separately in a dish. They also sell pre-made Nectar pods for sugar gliders, in which they love. If Not providing insects dried or alive in addition to their seed mix; then you can provide an insectivore diet, quality cat food (Blue buffalo Wilderness Kitten), boiled or scrambled eggs, small amounts of boiled chicken, salmon or tuna (in spring water preferred) into their dietary regimen. Remember: Scientists say they cannot digest vegetable matter as they lack a cecum, however several keepers have fed mixed veggies consisting of carrot, peas, corn and green beans with success. We however stick with the Scientists with our recommendations, to avoid veggies. Mealworms, monkey nuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are great as a treat to assist with taming or simply bonding. Honey soaked seed bars suitable for parakeets and cuttle bones are also a great enrichment tools to be added into any habitat.
I have added a few other items to their diet, HPW sugar glider food and Crested Gecko Diet (Used these to prevent hair loss)
African Pygmy Dormice behavior is agile, quick and very curious inquiring creatures who are hugely active at dusk and dawn. This means they need a great deal of enrichment, nests, climbing and places to hide to reduce the risks of fighting and to avoid inducing unnecessary stress. Dormice are generally a shy, however can grow to become more confident and familiar with humans through regular interaction. This is why daily bonding, touching and handling from a young age is crucial. This will vary from animal to animal with some being simply too swift and shy to tame for handling. They are best considered an animal to watch rather than interact with, due to their levels of stress. Those that can be handled will prefer to climb all over their human, sit or sleep in their hands and hide in pockets and are unlikely to stay still for long; sometimes tolerating gentle stroking. Bonding pouches or pockets can be used for bonding purposes; though care must be taken to avoid injury from their small size and speed. Dormice that are not keen on being touched, may be happy simply by taking food from familiar hands. They are extremely curious and do seem fascinated by voices; so have a conversation with them as they will listen! NEVER grab your Dormouse by the body as they are fragile and they will most likely bite, due to fear of restraint. AVOID grabbing the Dormouse by the tail, as it has the ability to 'slip off' or 'drop'. Always gently scoop up your Dormouse. BE AWARE: Dormice can also Drop their tails, which will allow the tail to break off in order to avoid a predator in the wild. If this occurs, DO NOT PANIC, they will be fine and it will heal on its own. However, ideally separate that Dormouse into a clean enclosure until it heals (1 week) and provide additional monitoring; in case of an infection arises (Extremely Rare) - seek veterinary assistance. For observation, you can obtain a red light or black light to view during the night, when they become most active. This will allow them to keep their natural routine, as they are very sensitive to the light. Rapid breathing is a sign of distress, so be mindful of this when interacting with them. The Dormouse sounds for anger are very sharp and easy to recognize. Do not be concerned if a dormouse pauses for longer periods of time at once - this is part of being a prey animal since movements would attract the attention of predators. Dormice may become quite lethargic in daytime, becoming more active at dusk and dawn. They will conceal signs of illness very well, and often you will only see the very end stages of a problem. You should therefore keep an eye out for any significant changes in behavior, coat condition, and injuries. Territory disputes can be brutal; you should always ensure you have a spare habitat to separate animals into if needed. Always ideal to have an Exotic animal veterinarian, in case of emergency. If your dormice is cold to the touch however, it may be in a state of torpor. This means that the temperature is too low, (68* Fahrenheit 20* Celsius or Lower) and it believes it needs to conserve its own body fat due to a lack of available food. If this is the case, warm up your Dormouse utilizing the warmth of hands, by simply cupping your hands around them. You can also use a heating pad indirectly, space heater or heat lamps. Once warmed, its crucial to have fresh water, honey/syrup/pollen mix (mentioned in Diet section)to bring your Dormouse glucose levels back up, that were depleted when reducing its body temperature. Dormice can DIE from this state, so it is important to ensure you keep their environment at a warm enough temperature. Dormice should have plenty of bedding, as well as access to food and water. Dormice can get stressed out very easily, which can also lead to torpor. If you have to take them on a long car journey or send them in transport. Be sure to have additional nesting material and a hide 'if possible' in the container, to help reduce light and create a secure dark environment for travel; as well as the honey/syrup/pollen (mentioned in Diet section) mix available.
African Pygmy Dormice reach sexual maturity around 2-4 months and are one of the hardest rodents to sex. The best method to sexing your Dormice; is to place pups in a see-through jar or container that they cannot escape from. The best age for identifying sex is 15 weeks. The space between the genital and anal openings is greater in the male than the female. In the center of the genital vents the female has a dot and the male has a more button-shape - similar to Guinea Pigs. At 10-12 weeks males will have a notable skin patch and protrusion at the base of their tails, where their testicles are. At 10-12 weeks a female will not have a skin patch or will have a very small one, however will not have a bulge at the tail base. Once they are sexually mature 15/18 weeks; the Males have large testicular bulges under their tails making this much easier to identify. Female dormice have prominent nipples if pregnant or lactating, blowing on belly fur may help reveal this for young dormice. Due to the difficulty in sexing, and the long time to mature you may find a lot of breeders sell their young as unsexed. Avoid buying Dormice under 10 weeks from inexperienced breeders to avoid a misidentification. Buy from reputable experienced breeders; which can sex their young as early as 8 weeks of age.
Handling your African Pygmy Dormice often and from a young age (2 weeks onward) is essential to establish a nice hand-tame Dormouse. Breeding pairs will typically still be quite timid and due to their speed and agility, you'll want to hold them carefully and in a safe and confined environment. We recommend you use a tent to begin with, until you and your Dormouse have established a comfortable bond. Pouches offer an alternative bonding method as well, just use caution as they are still very tiny creatures and you'll want to ensure it has plenty of ventilation. Gently scoop up your Dormouse and allow them to climb on you and have free roam, maybe even hide in your shirt pockets. Scooping them is the ideal method. Use gentle touch and strokes to adapt your Dormouse to being handled. Hand feeding treats (See Diet Post) can be a welcoming commodity as well. NEVER grab your Dormouse, this can lead to an unwanted nip/bite into your hand, but also distrust of you. NEVER grab your Dormouse by the tail, as they have the ability to drop/slip their tails off. This is a defense mechanism they use in the wild to escape their predators. However, DO NOT PANIC as they will heal up just fine. Please use extra care!
THEY ARE FAST LIKE LIGHTNING. Don't matter how social and tame your dormouse is, they will get startled very easily.
African Pygmy Dormice sounds include an insect-like clicking, an enquiring 'thrumming' sound, and a sharp bark when distressed. Baby Dormice will make a faint click/zipping noise or high pitched clicking noise when distressed. The sounds are surprisingly loud for such small creatures with some colonies being extremely vocal
Staple food I use:
Mazuri softbill low iron bird food
Brown’s bird lovers blend with cranberries Fancy Finch bird seed
I also mix Diatomaceous Dirt in the food to prevent moths
HPW Sugar glider Mix
Crested Gecko Food
Micro Squirrels (Africam Pgymy Dormouse)
**Note they need friends New littles ones due in May/June... $150.00 each
We have just a few that we breed when we have babys we will place Here for deposit to hold until ready to come home. We do offer Delivery with our USDA transporters or you can come pick them up in person.
We are located in Kansas. We breed our Chinchillas and Some Exotics for health and temperament first and foremost. Please feel free to email us with questions you might have. If we don't have the answer, we will try to get it for you! Please feel free to browse our pages and enjoy the pictures of our Chinchillas .We appreciate that.
Please feel free to see our other pets raised by Our family for your Family. We do not ever buy pets from other breeders at wholseale to sell, if it is on our website it was bred & raised by us!!! Our Chinchilla’s, hand tamed, handled daily, Healthy parents and very clean cages. We only sell great quality animals. USDA Licensed. Small breeding pairs and never inbreeding. We have pedigree(s) when purchased with breeding rights. Also, they have daily time and pay area for play outside their cages in safe environment. Babies held and eating completely on their own before arriving to their new home. We Carry all the products we use and have Several toys cages and more and will go over their care and can even put together a whole cage package deal for you.
Prices vary depends on colors and age.
Regular Vet checks ups. They have vet check and health certificate before delivery.
If you do Diet changes etc or treats they are not used to be sure to try tiny amounts and we cant be held responsible for any tummy troubles due to diet /treat changes.
Mite Spray
Works amazing for preventative and spray after baths for mites. Safe for direct spray on pet and cages. Kill mites right away and keep bugs away for good amount for time. We offer a whole line of natural holistic sprays for hedgies, guinea pigs, and many other pets. Made here and completely safe for all pets. Calming spray, no mites on me spray (lasts a long time 4oz) all natural ingredients.
Mite Spray is now offered in large size for multiple pet homes, breeders, rescues, and more. Just choose your size.
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Care Kit includes: Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, & Free Bath Bomb
You can also add to your cart just the Individual sprays etc. thanks again have a purrfect day!
Calming spray- you can spray your hedgie, Guinea Pig Rat, Cat or Dog or their enclosure its been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vets office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. For calming spray you can spray pet their carriers bedding or cages it works great for dogs or cats in storms and there is no limit to how much to use what helps your pet and makes them comfortable
No Mites- on me spray you can spray your hedgie or Other Small pet or their enclosure it is great for those times your pet comes into contact or gets mites. Spray on them & there enclosure and get rid of them quick. ALWAYS RESEARCH and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new. THIS IS FOR MITES or fleas (little black bugs that you can see with eyes) Not demodex or sarcoptic mange mite) It works well for these but those must be seen by vets and some are so bad cases they may need something very strong, We have used them for these type of under the skin infections or parasites but the product was intended for regular mites & fleas and preventive
For Fungus or Ringworm -Bath pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment. Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet after a great bath with our bath bombs spray the ringworm or affected area, feet etc. of you pet to clear up Fungus & Bacteria fast! . (This product is meant for fungus/bacteria of many types and meant to be used regularly to clear up problem areas) ITS NOT JUST FOR TROUBLED TIMES ...BE SURE TO USE MONTHLY AND RUB IN ALL OVER FOR A PREVENTATIVE AND SKIN CONDITIONER YOUR PET WILL LOVE !!
I make Bath and Sprays and many other items for Exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and many other natural items. For Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Hairless Rats and Mice, Hamsters, Cats, Dogs and so many more even Reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient carefully in the correct amounts and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new.
For Sprays- you can Spray pet after bath or in between as well as cages and bedding, for Mite spray once a week for preventative, if has mites we recommend bathing with our bath bomb then towel off (its a No Rinse bath)spray pet well rub in, then spray cage and bedding once you have cleaned the cage thoroughly. Repeat every other day for at least 2 times.
For Fungus or Ringworm Bath- pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment
For more all Natural products or pets Email, message or call anytime You tube links are shown to help you as well thanks again
(No products are ever to be used in place of good quality veterinary care, some pet may need a clear diagnosis by skin scraping or more first or if severe)Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk . I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.
Cleaning Spray
An all Natural Natural CPTG Oils based Cleanser for cages bedding and more kills germs and smells on contact and safe for even your most sensitive pets Be sure to wipe down all over and let dry completely then return pet to home or bedding This is a bottle of Cage cleaner and Freshener for their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Germs, mites, fungus and more.
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Care Kit includes: Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, & Free Bath Bomb
You can also add to your cart just the Individual sprays etc. thanks again have a purrfect day!
Calming spray- you can spray your hedgie, Guinea Pig Rat, Cat or Dog or their enclosure its been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vets office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. For calming spray you can spray pet their carriers bedding or cages it works great for dogs or cats in storms and there is no limit to how much to use what helps your pet and makes them comfortable
No Mites- on me spray you can spray your hedgie or Other Small pet or their enclosure it is great for those times your pet comes into contact or gets mites. Spray on them & there enclosure and get rid of them quick. ALWAYS RESEARCH and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new. THIS IS FOR MITES or fleas (little black bugs that you can see with eyes) Not demodex or sarcoptic mange mite) It works well for these but those must be seen by vets and some are so bad cases they may need something very strong, We have used them for these type of under the skin infections or parasites but the product was intended for regular mites & fleas and preventive
For Fungus or Ringworm -Bath pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment. Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet after a great bath with our bath bombs spray the ringworm or affected area, feet etc. of you pet to clear up Fungus & Bacteria fast! . (This product is meant for fungus/bacteria of many types and meant to be used regularly to clear up problem areas) ITS NOT JUST FOR TROUBLED TIMES ...BE SURE TO USE MONTHLY AND RUB IN ALL OVER FOR A PREVENTATIVE AND SKIN CONDITIONER YOUR PET WILL LOVE !!
I make Bath and Sprays and many other items for Exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and many other natural items. For Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Hairless Rats and Mice, Hamsters, Cats, Dogs and so many more even Reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient carefully in the correct amounts and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new.
For Sprays- you can Spray pet after bath or in between as well as cages and bedding, for Mite spray once a week for preventative, if has mites we recommend bathing with our bath bomb then towel off (its a No Rinse bath)spray pet well rub in, then spray cage and bedding once you have cleaned the cage thoroughly. Repeat every other day for at least 2 times.
For Fungus or Ringworm Bath- pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment
For more all Natural products or pets Email, message or call anytime You tube links are shown to help you as well thanks again
(No products are ever to be used in place of good quality veterinary care, some pet may need a clear diagnosis by skin scraping or more first or if severe)Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk . I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.
Guinea Pig Spray Kit or Bath Kit
Perfect to have everything you need on hand and even better gift for those who just got their new pet! Cavy Care Spray Kit includes cage spray, fungi spray, bonding bag, and free bath bomb (tip: fungi spray on solid wheel helps condition feet and poop sticks less much easier to clean wheel). This is a bottle of calming spray you can spray your hedgie, guinea pig, rat, cat, or dog or their enclosure. It’s been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vet’s office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. I make bath and sprays and many other items for exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and other natural items.
For hedgehogs, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and so many more even reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient in perfect proportions and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets like anything new.
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Kit includes: Calming Spray, Mite Spray, Fungi Spray, & bath mix Bag
Hedgehog Bath kit: Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Hedgehog Play N Spray kit: Play Spray and Toy
Hedgie Bath & Play Kit includes: Play Spray ,Toy,Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Guinea pig Bath kit : Bath Brush, Bath mix in bag, and Fungi Spray
You can also add to your cart just the Individual sprays etc. thanks again have a purrfect day!
Calming spray- you can spray your hedgie, Guinea Pig Rat, Cat or Dog or their enclosure its been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vets office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. For calming spray you can spray pet their carriers bedding or cages it works great for dogs or cats in storms and there is no limit to how much to use what helps your pet and makes them comfortable
No Mites- on me spray you can spray your hedgie or Other Small pet or their enclosure it is great for those times your pet comes into contact or gets mites. Spray on them & there enclosure and get rid of them quick. ALWAYS RESEARCH and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new. THIS IS FOR MITES or fleas (little black bugs that you can see with eyes) Not demodex or sarcoptic mange mite) It works well for these but those must be seen by vets and some are so bad cases they may need something very strong, We have used them for these type of under the skin infections or parasites but the product was intended for regular mites & fleas and preventive
For Fungus or Ringworm -Bath pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment. Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet after a great bath with our bath bombs spray the ringworm or affected area, feet etc. of you pet to clear up Fungus & Bacteria fast! . (This product is meant for fungus/bacteria of many types and meant to be used regularly to clear up problem areas) ITS NOT JUST FOR TROUBLED TIMES ...BE SURE TO USE MONTHLY AND RUB IN ALL OVER FOR A PREVENTATIVE AND SKIN CONDITIONER YOUR PET WILL LOVE !!
I make Bath and Sprays and many other items for Exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and many other natural items. For Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Hairless Rats and Mice, Hamsters, Cats, Dogs and so many more even Reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient carefully in the correct amounts and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new.
For Sprays- you can Spray pet after bath or in between as well as cages and bedding, for Mite spray once a week for preventative, if has mites we recommend bathing with our bath bomb then towel off (its a No Rinse bath)spray pet well rub in, then spray cage and bedding once you have cleaned the cage thoroughly. Repeat every other day for at least 2 times.
For Fungus or Ringworm Bath- pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment
For more all Natural products or pets Email, message or call anytime You tube links are shown to help you as well thanks again
(No products are ever to be used in place of good quality veterinary care, some pet may need a clear diagnosis by skin scraping or more first or if severe)Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk . I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.
Ceramic House (Dust Bath or For Hay or Food
This House comes in many colors and is easliy washable and weighs 2 pounds, so not easy for pets to move work great as a Dust bath and Ferret owners love it for food keeps from making a mess. GuineaPig owners se it for Hay bins and so much more Ceramic Chinchilla Bath house Easy to use and Washable, Heavy so pets don't move it around to much. It has a nice wide opening for your large chucky chillys. It even makes a great feeder for Guinea pigs and Ferret that way they can eat and not make a mess Ferrets also love it a bed or litter box they cant move around a lot. We also Offer with Dust or Dust itself just click in options. We have also found that putting your ferrets food in this keeps them from spilling their food everywhere and keeps it neat, Also been used for Snuggle homes for many pets it has Many many uses and with easy to clean Every pet could use one of these. Comes in Pink, Yellow and Green size is approximately 9 inches tall 7 inches wide 6 inches deep -Opening is 4" circle
We do not accept returns Please be mindfully of the measurements. This ceramic bath house is the largest on the market but if your chinchilla is overly large or obese they may not fit their full body into the house even though they are able to still use it you may try other options.
Chinchilla Dust we had this especially made .. Volcanic Ash Dust Bath ALL Natural, NO Fillers, Removes Oils the way nature intended it for Chinchillas and small mammals (Degus, Hamsters, Gerbils, Jerobas and more) its Anti-Bacteria and Deodorizing. Our bags are Resealable 2# of the best dust you will find anywhere!! We have 2# bags we also offer small 3oz small bags for small rodents for the mini Bath house. We Have Ceramic Bath houses as well that you can add to your order or do a Kit which has a Chinchilla Bath House with a 2# bag of Dust. Made at High Temp so safe for your pets.
Super Deluxe Spray Kit
We decided to offer an AMAZING Deal. All three of our sprays and cage cleaning spray and large-size fleece snuggle sack and FREE bath in a bag bomb all in one kit.
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray
Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Kit includes: Calming Spray, Mite Spray, Fungi Spray, & bath mix Bag
Hedgehog Bath kit: Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Hedgehog Play N Spray kit: Play Spray and Toy
Hedgie Bath & Play Kit includes: Play Spray ,Toy,Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Guinea pig Bath kit : Bath Brush, Bath mix in bag, and Fungi Spray
Perfect to have everything you need on hand and even better gift for those who just got their new pet! Deluxe Kit includes cage spray, fungi spray, mite spray, calming spray, bonding bag & free bath bomb (tip: fungi spray on solid wheel helps condition feet and poop sticks less much easier to clean wheel) this is a bottle of calming spray you can spray your hedgie, guinea pig, rat, cat, or dog or their enclosure. It’s been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vet’s office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. I make bath and sprays and many other items for exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and other natural items.
For hedgehogs, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and so many more even reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient in perfect proportions and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets like anything new.
$58.00 (shipping included in price)
Guinea Pig Care Groom & More (Cavy) Kit Pick by coat type
This is the perfect way to start your new cavy ownership off to a great start wonderful for First Piggy owners or even Pros Kit will help you to take the best care of your shorthaired babies, Abbysianns, Americans, Teddys, Skinnies, and Wolverines.
We also have for longhairs and special rare cavys
Has all the items we use here from hay, nail trimmers, file, bonding bag, fungi spray, edible bowl, and treat perfect for keeping teeth trimmed and more. We also have a bag of the food used here (not pictured). items vary upon cavy and type Total will always be a huge savings or purchasing individually
(shipping including in price)
Fungi Spray
Works amazing for preventative and spray after baths for fungus, ringworm, scaley skin, and more. Safe for direct spray on pet and cages. Helps clear away fungus spores. Spray all over cages and home and spray affected area. We offer a whole line of natural holistic sprays for hedgies, guinea pigs, and many other pets. Made here and completely safe for all pets. Calming spray, no mites on me spray (lasts a long time 4oz) all natural ingredients.
We use 100% organic coconut oil and paraben-free, but in case you still prefer no coconut oil, we do have an almond oil case Fungi Spray as well, just choose the coco-free option.
Fungi Spray is now offered in large size for multiple pet homes, breeders, rescues, and more. Just choose your size.
(shipping included in price, bottles can come in different colors than pictured)
4oz $15.00 (reg or coco-free)
14oz $50.00 (reg)
14oz $54.00 (coco-free)
"Take Me Home Carriers"
We offer these for New pet parents to take home their new pet with we can also put these with parents or siblings before you arrive to make the transistion into your new home much more relaxed for your new baby They are very spacious great viewing to alawys watch your new littleone and nice and airy with easy handle or shoulder strap. Get a take home blanket as well and we can have your pet snuggling in comfy all the way to your new home. come in three colors Pink Black and Mint
"Bath No Rinse Mix"
These are the best they leave your pet refreshed clean and well hydrated skin and no need to rinse just wash and go and the best part!! They work in the bag so no messy bits in your pets Quills or Fur just put the bag in the bath watch it fizz and squeeze leave bag in there for stronger effects.(Please note there is some fine particles so may have dust in shipping bag when arrives this IS NORMAL) Then just towel dry after you pet will be clean and smell and look great and you will love the ease.
We decided to offer a great Deal All Three of our Sprays & Cage cleaning Spray In one complete Kit OR WE HAVE MODIFIED KITS FOR YOUR NEEDS ( YOU MUST CHOOSE THE KIT THAT HAS WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE)
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Full Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Care Kit includes: Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, & Free Bath Bomb
You can also add to your cart other individual spray etc. thanks again have a purrfect day!
Calming spray- you can spray your hedgie, Guinea Pig Rat, Cat or Dog or their enclosure its been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vets office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. For calming spray you can spray pet their carriers bedding or cages it works great for dogs or cats in storms and there is no limit to how much to use what helps your pet and makes them comfortable
No Mites- on me spray you can spray your hedgie or Other Small pet or their enclosure it is great for those times your pet comes into contact or gets mites. Spray on them & there enclosure and get rid of them quick. ALWAYS RESEARCH and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new. THIS IS FOR MITES or fleas (little black bugs that you can see with eyes) Not demodex or sarcoptic mange mite) It works well for these but those must be seen by vets and some are so bad cases they may need something very strong, We have used them for these type of under the skin infections or parasites but the product was intended for regular mites & fleas and preventive
For Fungus or Ringworm -Bath pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment. Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet after a great bath with our bath bombs spray the ringworm or affected area, feet etc. of you pet to clear up Fungus & Bacteria fast! . (This product is meant for fungus/bacteria of many types and meant to be used regularly to clear up problem areas) ITS NOT JUST FOR TROUBLED TIMES ...BE SURE TO USE MONTHLY AND RUB IN ALL OVER FOR A PREVENTATIVE AND SKIN CONDITIONER YOUR PET WILL LOVE !!
I make Bath and Sprays and many other items for Exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and many other natural items. For Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Hairless Rats and Mice, Hamsters, Cats, Dogs and so many more even Reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient carefully in the correct amounts and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new.
Calling all Hedgehog and Guinea Pig, Hamster ,Rodents & Cats and Dogs Tips and examples of how to use our products for your pets please check these out on you tube and Visit our website for many great all natural products for your pets www.jnjpugsnpaps.com or our Etsy store jnjpugsnpaps Located in Abilene ks we do ship/deliver Thanks call us anytime , Email or Message thanks
For Sprays- you can Spray pet after bath or in between as well as cages and bedding, for Mite spray once a week for preventative, if has mites we recommend bathing with our bath bomb then towel off (its a No Rinse bath)spray pet well rub in, then spray cage and bedding once you have cleaned the cage thoroughly. Repeat every other day for at least 2 times.
For Fungus or Ringworm Bath- pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment
For more all Natural products or pets Email, message or call anytime You tube links are shown to help you as well thanks again
(No products are ever to be used in place of good quality veterinary care, some pet may need a clear diagnosis by skin scraping or more first or if severe)Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk with you about it before complaining to Etsy without even contacting me thanks I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.
Guinea Pig Diet "Our Extreme Blend"
Food is Made specifically for us and made fresh , Not mass produced THIS IS A MIX OF SHOW GRAINS BLENED WITH OUR STAPLE PELLETS
Guinea Pig Diet "Our Blend"
Food is Made specifically for us and made fresh , Not mass produced
Calming Spray
Great for shy or nervous times. Great for all pets and helps clam during storms. We offer a whole line of natural holistic sprays for hedgies, guinea pigs, and many other pets. Made here and completely safe for all pets. Calming spray, no mites on me spray (lasts a long time 4oz) all natural ingredients.
Calming Spray is now offered in large size for multiple pet homes, breeders, rescues, and more. Just choose your size.
(shipping included in price, bottles can come in different colors than pictured)
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Care Kit includes: Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, & Free Bath Bomb
You can also add to your cart just the Individual sprays etc. thanks again have a purrfect day!
Calming spray- you can spray your hedgie, Guinea Pig Rat, Cat or Dog or their enclosure its been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vets office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. For calming spray you can spray pet their carriers bedding or cages it works great for dogs or cats in storms and there is no limit to how much to use what helps your pet and makes them comfortable
No Mites- on me spray you can spray your hedgie or Other Small pet or their enclosure it is great for those times your pet comes into contact or gets mites. Spray on them & there enclosure and get rid of them quick. ALWAYS RESEARCH and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new. THIS IS FOR MITES or fleas (little black bugs that you can see with eyes) Not demodex or sarcoptic mange mite) It works well for these but those must be seen by vets and some are so bad cases they may need something very strong, We have used them for these type of under the skin infections or parasites but the product was intended for regular mites & fleas and preventive
For Fungus or Ringworm -Bath pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment. Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet after a great bath with our bath bombs spray the ringworm or affected area, feet etc. of you pet to clear up Fungus & Bacteria fast! . (This product is meant for fungus/bacteria of many types and meant to be used regularly to clear up problem areas) ITS NOT JUST FOR TROUBLED TIMES ...BE SURE TO USE MONTHLY AND RUB IN ALL OVER FOR A PREVENTATIVE AND SKIN CONDITIONER YOUR PET WILL LOVE !!
I make Bath and Sprays and many other items for Exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and many other natural items. For Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Hairless Rats and Mice, Hamsters, Cats, Dogs and so many more even Reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient carefully in the correct amounts and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new.
For Sprays- you can Spray pet after bath or in between as well as cages and bedding, for Mite spray once a week for preventative, if has mites we recommend bathing with our bath bomb then towel off (its a No Rinse bath)spray pet well rub in, then spray cage and bedding once you have cleaned the cage thoroughly. Repeat every other day for at least 2 times.
For Fungus or Ringworm Bath- pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment
For more all Natural products or pets Email, message or call anytime You tube links are shown to help you as well thanks again
(No products are ever to be used in place of good quality veterinary care, some pet may need a clear diagnosis by skin scraping or more first or if severe)Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk . I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.
"No More Board Hedgie" Play n Spray with Toy
No more Bored Hedgehog.. Mint spray safe non toxic great to Mint up all your hegies favorite toys!! This order 4oz glass bottle with FREE Bear TOY!! Made is small fresh batches spray your toys or your Cuddle dig play Cup. Watch them have fun. We Offer spray complete with Bear toys (bear colors will Vary). We also Sell a cuddle cup Toy Dig cuddler cup. endless fun for your playful pet for you to help with their care and socialization.
Made with mint oil (Mentha spicata) extracts, leaves, H2O. Never any chemicals. Be sure to check out all our fun items. Contact me anytime with questions 785-280-9894
Hedgehog Diet
Here’s the blend we have used for many years. People kept asking what we used and since we worked hard to blend just the right foods as many breeders have. We decided to sell “our blend.” We have had great success for over 20 years. Babies and adults enjoy this blend and our hedgies have a great healthy lifespan. It has a great protein to fiber and fat ratio. We blend from only the best quality foods available. We did the work, so you don’t have to.
1lb 7+oz or 3#8oz bags many quanity options
Small Weighted Dishes
2 pack or More...
These are all weighted resin bowls great for: Hedgehogs, Reptiles, Hermit crabs, Sugar Gliders, Rats and Mice and Hamsters this is for a set of TWO the inside space of each dish is three inches by two inches and 1 inch deep will be adding more quantities for a bigger discount as all our items FREE Shipping to you two trees that you can place in come with the and colors may vary and styles vary
Hedgehog Animal Spray Kit
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray
Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Kit includes: Calming Spray, Mite Spray, Fungi Spray, & bath mix Bag
Hedgehog Bath kit: Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Hedgehog Play N Spray kit: Play Spray and Toy
Hedgie Bath & Play Kit includes: Play Spray ,Toy,Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Guinea pig Bath kit : Bath Brush, Bath mix in bag, and Fungi Spray
Perfect to have everything you need on hand and even better gift for those who just got their new pet! Hedgehog Care Kit includes fungi spray, mite spray, calming spray, and free bath bomb (tip: fungi spray on solid wheel helps condition feet and poop sticks less much easier to clean wheel). This is a bottle of calming spray you can spray your hedgie, guinea pig, rat, cat, or dog or their enclosure. It’s been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vet’s office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. I make bath and sprays and many other items for exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and other natural items.
For hedgehogs, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and so many more even reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient in perfect proportions and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets like anything new.
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Care Kit includes: Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, & Free Bath Bomb
You can also add to your cart just the Individual sprays etc. thanks again have a purrfect day!
Calming spray- you can spray your hedgie, Guinea Pig Rat, Cat or Dog or their enclosure its been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vets office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. For calming spray you can spray pet their carriers bedding or cages it works great for dogs or cats in storms and there is no limit to how much to use what helps your pet and makes them comfortable
No Mites- on me spray you can spray your hedgie or Other Small pet or their enclosure it is great for those times your pet comes into contact or gets mites. Spray on them & there enclosure and get rid of them quick. ALWAYS RESEARCH and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new. THIS IS FOR MITES or fleas (little black bugs that you can see with eyes) Not demodex or sarcoptic mange mite) It works well for these but those must be seen by vets and some are so bad cases they may need something very strong, We have used them for these type of under the skin infections or parasites but the product was intended for regular mites & fleas and preventive
For Fungus or Ringworm -Bath pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment. Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet after a great bath with our bath bombs spray the ringworm or affected area, feet etc. of you pet to clear up Fungus & Bacteria fast! . (This product is meant for fungus/bacteria of many types and meant to be used regularly to clear up problem areas) ITS NOT JUST FOR TROUBLED TIMES ...BE SURE TO USE MONTHLY AND RUB IN ALL OVER FOR A PREVENTATIVE AND SKIN CONDITIONER YOUR PET WILL LOVE !!
I make Bath and Sprays and many other items for Exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and many other natural items. For Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Hairless Rats and Mice, Hamsters, Cats, Dogs and so many more even Reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient carefully in the correct amounts and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new.
For Sprays- you can Spray pet after bath or in between as well as cages and bedding, for Mite spray once a week for preventative, if has mites we recommend bathing with our bath bomb then towel off (its a No Rinse bath)spray pet well rub in, then spray cage and bedding once you have cleaned the cage thoroughly. Repeat every other day for at least 2 times.
For Fungus or Ringworm Bath- pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment
For more all Natural products or pets Email, message or call anytime You tube links are shown to help you as well thanks again
(No products are ever to be used in place of good quality veterinary care, some pet may need a clear diagnosis by skin scraping or more first or if severe)Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk . I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.
Sling / Scarf Carriers with Zippered Pouch
Handmade flannel and fleece scarf sling Pet carrier. Has nice large pockets with zipper very comfortable carrier Machine washable. We have lots of prints every one is Unique this list is for a random color If you prefer a color/print type just message we will try to get as close as possible. You Sugar Glider, Hedgehog, Micro Squirrel, flying Squirrel, Hamster, Rat will love this
Cuddle Snuggle Beds
Cuddle cups Great for Guinea pigs, Hedgehogs and more Machine washable handmade warm snuggling little bed that are fleece/flannel Perfect size for cages area approximately nine inches round three and half tall Makes for great dig cup play areas for hedgehogs
Zippered Bonding Bag
Pouch for bonding and carrier, Zippered with adjustable strap. handmade with great mesh window flannel /fleece. Machine washable. Assorted prints and colors. If you have a color preference let me know I can try to get close.
Hanging Snuggle Sack With Strap (No Zipper)
Coconut Fiber Bedding All Natural No Chemicals, great for Planting, birds, hermit crabs and reptiles and tarantulas expands with warm water three to four times the size hold moisture so great in dry climates and pets who need humidity we offer in Several amount the higher the amount you get a huge savings !! ALL WILL BE SENT FIRST CLASS 3 TO 5 DAYS AND LARGER AMOUNTS SENT PRIORITY MAIL AND ALL SHIPPING FREE TO YOU, One disk about five gallon tank about one inch deep, two disks for ten gallon tank over one inch deep or six disks up to 30 gallon at one inch deep and so on. Please choose from the option the amount you want thanks We have used this in all kinds of indoor and outdoor plants works great for vegetables and sensitive plants that need moisture slowly.Fleece bags for all types of pets these are minimum or 8 inches by 10 inches hand made so some may differ and be a bit larger . They are Reversible and very well made and soft your pet will love the warmth and comfort great for Rats, Hedgehogs, Hamsters, and Guinea pigs. I make larger ones for Guinea pigs as well as many sacks with straps for carrying or for hanging in cages for sugar gliders. I also have ones with zippers and windows for secure carrying of hedgies and gliders some are Fleece only or Flannel & fleece combo
This product is without a strap just the sack if you want a strap look at my Bonding Bags
Bonding Bags/ Snuggle Sacks Xtra Large
xlarge snuggle sacks
Fleece bags for all types of pets these are 12 to 14 inches is the Xlarge hand made so some may differ and be a bit larger . They are Reversible and very well made and soft your pet will love the warmth and comfort great for Rats, Hedgehogs, Hamsters, and Guinea pigs. I make larger ones for Guinea pigs as well as many sacks with straps for carrying or for hanging in cages for sugar gliders. I also have ones with zippers and windows for secure carrying of hedgies and gliders some are Fleece only or Flannel & fleece combo
Hanging Sleep sacks with loops
Cuddle cups Great for Guinea pigs, Hedgehogs and more Machine washable handmade warm snuggling little bed that are fleece/flannel Perfect size for cages area approximately nine inches round three and half tall Makes for great dig cup play areas for hedgehogs
Quill Keepers (Necklace or Freestanding) Keepsake
The perfect way to keep your precious pet Hedgehog Quills with you always comes with necklace to wear few color available just ask which color you would like.
Hedgehog Bath or Bathe N Play Kits
We decided to offer a great Deal All Three of our Sprays & Cage cleaning Spray In one complete Kit OR WE HAVE MODIFIED KITS FOR YOUR NEEDS ( YOU MUST CHOOSE THE KIT THAT HAS WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE fromt he Option Menu Prices WILL Vary)
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Deluxe Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray
Mite Spray, Calming Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Cavy Care Kit includes: Cage Spray, Fungi Spray, Bonding Bag & Free Bath Bomb
Hedgehog Kit includes: Calming Spray, Mite Spray, Fungi Spray, & bath mix Bag
Hedgehog Bath kit: Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Hedgehog Play N Spray kit: Play Spray and Toy
Hedgie Bath & Play Kit includes: Play Spray ,Toy,Bath Brush, Bath Bag mix, and Mite Spray
Guinea pig Bath kit : Bath Brush, Bath mix in bag, and Fungi Spray
You can also add to your cart just the Individual sprays etc. thanks again have a purrfect day!
Calming spray- you can spray your hedgie, Guinea Pig Rat, Cat or Dog or their enclosure its been proven to help calm during times of stress, thunderstorms going to the vets office, boarding even meeting new people just spray and let them relax. For calming spray you can spray pet their carriers bedding or cages it works great for dogs or cats in storms and there is no limit to how much to use what helps your pet and makes them comfortable
No Mites- on me spray you can spray your hedgie or Other Small pet or their enclosure it is great for those times your pet comes into contact or gets mites. Spray on them & there enclosure and get rid of them quick. ALWAYS RESEARCH and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new. THIS IS FOR MITES or fleas (little black bugs that you can see with eyes) Not demodex or sarcoptic mange mite) It works well for these but those must be seen by vets and some are so bad cases they may need something very strong, We have used them for these type of under the skin infections or parasites but the product was intended for regular mites & fleas and preventive
For Fungus or Ringworm -Bath pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment. Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet after a great bath with our bath bombs spray the ringworm or affected area, feet etc. of you pet to clear up Fungus & Bacteria fast! . (This product is meant for fungus/bacteria of many types and meant to be used regularly to clear up problem areas) ITS NOT JUST FOR TROUBLED TIMES ...BE SURE TO USE MONTHLY AND RUB IN ALL OVER FOR A PREVENTATIVE AND SKIN CONDITIONER YOUR PET WILL LOVE !!
I make Bath and Sprays and many other items for Exotics and other small animals that are made all natural products certified therapeutic CPTG oils and many other natural items. For Hedgehogs, Guinea Pigs, Hairless Rats and Mice, Hamsters, Cats, Dogs and so many more even Reptiles. They are made by me with each ingredient carefully in the correct amounts and have used on all my animals for many years and are very safe and so helpful for many ailments or just to keep your pet healthy as possible. Always research and do small test to see if your pets likes anything new.
Calling all Hedgehog and Guinea Pig, Hamster ,Rodents & Cats and Dogs Tips and examples of how to use our products for your pets please check these out on you tube and Visit our website for many great all natural products for your pets www.jnjpugsnpaps.com or our Etsy store jnjpugsnpaps Located in Abilene ks we do ship/deliver Thanks call us anytime , Email or Message thanks
For Sprays- you can Spray pet after bath or in between as well as cages and bedding, for Mite spray once a week for preventative, if has mites we recommend bathing with our bath bomb then towel off (its a No Rinse bath)spray pet well rub in, then spray cage and bedding once you have cleaned the cage thoroughly. Repeat every other day for at least 2 times.
For Fungus or Ringworm Bath- pet be sure to wear gloves, scrub the area well towel pet , Clean cage and spray all over with fungus spray some find it easier to spray on paper towel then wipe down cage. Then when pet has dried spray pet affected areas if face spray fingers and wipe well around eyes. Repeat spraying two times a day and bath every 2 days at least 3 times should be all cleared by the end of treatment
For more all Natural products or pets Email, message or call anytime You tube links are shown to help you as well thanks again
(No products are ever to be used in place of good quality veterinary care, some pet may need a clear diagnosis by skin scraping or more first or if severe)Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk with you about it before complaining to Etsy without even contacting me thanks I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.
Small Pets - Toy Cuddle Cup Dig Box with Toys
No more Bored Hedgehogs or Rats,Mice, Gerbils, Hamsters , and so much more. Sugar Glider(we can change Spray to Ease & Refresh for Gliders)
Not just a toy Dig play box but completely washable toy cuddle cup they can dig play and even sleep and cuddle up. Will come with lots of Fleece sptrips,
Toys( will Vary) and Even the Spray to entice natural chewing , Burrowing and Foraging Behavior.
Mint spray safe non toxic great to Mint up all your hegies favorite toys!! OR is you have a Sugar Glider we will put in the Sugar Glider Spray
This order 4oz glass bottle with FREE Bear TOY!!
Made is small fresh batches spray your toys or your Cuddle dig play Cup. Watch them have fun.
We Offer spray complete with Bear toys (bear colors will Vary).and Cuddle cups prints vary as well.
We also Sell a cuddle cup alone or toys alone to refill your Toy Dig cuddler cup. endless fun for your playful pet for you to help with their care and socialization.
Made with mint oil (Mentha spicata) extracts, leaves, H2O. Never any chemicals. Be sure to check out all our fun items. Contact me anytime with questions 785-280-9894
FREE SHIPPING as with all our items!
"Take Me Home Blankets"
We offer these for New pet parents to take home their new pet with we can also put these with parents or siblings before you arrive to make the transistion into your new home much more relaxed for your new baby Evry print is uniques send assorted prints size 26 by 40 lightweight
Coconut Bedding Disks
Coconut Fiber Bedding All Natural No Chemicals, great for Planting, birds, hermit crabs and reptiles and tarantulas expands with warm water three to four times the size hold moisture so great in dry climates and pets who need humidity we offer in Several amount the higher the amount you get a huge savings !! ALL WILL BE SENT FIRST CLASS 3 TO 5 DAYS AND LARGER AMOUNTS SENT PRIORITY MAIL AND ALL SHIPPING FREE TO YOU, One disk about five gallon tank about one inch deep, two disks for ten gallon tank over one inch deep or six disks up to 30 gallon at one inch deep and so on. Please choose from the option the amount you want thanks We have used this in all kinds of indoor and outdoor plants works great for vegetables and sensitive plants that need moisture slowly.Fleece bags for all types of pets these are minimum or 8 inches by 10 inches hand made so some may differ and be a bit larger . They are Reversible and very well made and soft your pet will love the warmth and comfort great for Rats, Hedgehogs, Hamsters, and Guinea pigs. I make larger ones for Guinea pigs as well as many sacks with straps for carrying or for hanging in cages for sugar gliders. I also have ones with zippers and windows for secure carrying of hedgies and gliders some are Fleece only or Flannel & fleece combo
This product is without a strap just the sack if you want a strap look at my Bonding Bags
Bonding/ Snuggle Sacks Large
Fleece bags for all types of pets these are 8 by 10 inches is the Large hand made so some may differ and be a bit larger . They are Reversible and very well made and soft your pet will love the warmth and comfort great for Rats, Hedgehogs, Hamsters, and Guinea pigs. I make larger ones for Guinea pigs as well as many sacks with straps for carrying or for hanging in cages for sugar gliders. I also have ones with zippers and windows for secure carrying of hedgies and gliders some are Fleece only or Flannel & fleece combo
Meaty treat
No More Hungry Tummy.... Perfect Treat for your pet. We have a fun herd of hedgies and some are picky some arent but they all love freeze dried meat n treat we make several freeze dried meats and then blend together with a few veggies to make a high proteins snack that easy to eat wont choke and really gets them happy to eat . Great for Hedgehogs and dogs and cats love it too . Wonderful for picky critters or just a really great treat . We use for Pregnant mommys they love it and really need the extra vitamins and nutrition during whelping and nursing. Use for weaning hoglets to establish and good feeding routine or on senior dogs or cats that may have lost intrest in their food. This is a small bag we can do larger orders just ask. thanks for shopping with us.
Fleece Pet Hammock
Chew Hanging TOY! We take Pride in all natural Animal items. This chew toy is safe and completely naturally made and Lava Pumice Stone safe Chew for all Small animals.
ALL NATURAL complete with C Hooks Non Slip on BOTH ENDS, for cage. kiln dried pine wooden ledges for chinchillas and other critters Rats, Lemurs, Sugar Gliders, Degus, Guinea Pigs, Squirrels, Birds etc and more. Reversible both sides smooth and non toxic, no additives, chew safe. Toy can be hung from one side to another, or you can loop and make a circle, or you can hang and let hang down
Hedgehog Kit -Discounts baby hedgehog to $200.00
Comes Complete with: XL Cage, XL safety wheel, bedding, large complete food, large house, treats, water bottle, bowl, and Snuggle Sack & full care sheet with text support. Whole set up can be shipped choose kit with delivery. we also have the full kit with added natural oil kit for Mites, fungi and Calming sprays with Bath mix
Guinea Pig Cage Kits
No more Bored Hedgehog.. Mint spray safe non toxic great to Mint up all your hegies favorite toys!! This order 4oz glass bottle with FREE Bear TOY!! Made is small fresh batches spray your toys or your Cuddle dig play Cup. Watch them have fun. We Offer spray complete with Bear toys (bear colors will Vary). We also Sell a cuddle cup Toy Dig cuddler cup. endless fun for your playful pet for you to help with their care and socialization.
Made with mint oil (Mentha spicata) extracts, leaves, H2O. Never any chemicals. Be sure to check out all our fun items. Contact me anytime with questions 785-280-9894
Chinchilla & Hamster (Dust )
This Dst is specifically made from Volcanic rock and finely ground with no added silcates very healthy for yor chinchilla and small rodents comes in any sizes in a resealable package
Ceramic House Personalized
This is for a personalized home we work with serval colors of vinyl to make your pets bath fun...House comes in many colors and is easliy washable and weighs 2 pounds, so not easy for pets to move work great as a Dust bath and Ferret owners love it for food keeps from making a mess. GuineaPig owners se it for Hay bins and so much more
Bonding/ Snuggle Sacks Large
Fleece bags for all types of pets these are 8 by 10 inches is the Large hand made so some may differ and be a bit larger . They are Reversible and very well made and soft your pet will love the warmth and comfort great for Rats, Hedgehogs, Hamsters, and Guinea pigs. I make larger ones for Guinea pigs as well as many sacks with straps for carrying or for hanging in cages for sugar gliders. I also have ones with zippers and windows for secure carrying of hedgies and gliders some are Fleece only or Flannel & fleece combo
Fleece Triangle Home Medium
This is a nice size Fleece Snuggle house that can sit or has the clips to hang in cage Great for Sugar Gliders, Hedgehogs, Rats and so much more easy to wash and hang and large enough for small guinea pigs 8 inches long inside and seven inches tall 7 inches wide
Fleece Triangle Home Large-Xlg
This is a nice size Fleece Snuggle house that can sit or has the clips to hang in cage Great for Sugar Gliders, Hedgehogs, Rats and so much more easy to wash and hang and large enough for small guinea pigs 12 inches long inside and seven inches tall 9 inches wide
Burrowing Maze
Burrowing Maze is great for kids of all ages helps your small rodents have fun burrow and the carrying case works great for travel and when show and tell day comes. it comes complete with bedding material and fluff easy to put the lid on and fuloy clear base allows you to see your pet at all times
Grooming Glove
This is a soft glove great for getting your Guinea pigs all cleaned up great for smoothing before a Cavy show as well. Works wet or dry if using in bath for Dogs , cats even small animals nice large glove fits just about every hand. easy and light to take on the go. Comes in 4 colors Great way to comb in the Fungi spray or mite spray on your Guinea pig those listed as well and using during the No Rinse Bath Mix.
Small Animal Nail Clippers
These are the clippers we use on a daily baisi for all our small animals they work well and come as regular or with finger grip for more stability as well.
Ceramic House (Dust Combo)
This is for a 2 lbs Dust with House comes in many colors and is easliy washable and weighs 2 pounds, so not easy for pets to move work great as a Dust bath and Ferret owners love it for food keeps from making a mess. GuineaPig owners se it for Hay bins and so much more
Pet Play Blanket
approximately 23 inches Long x 23 inches wide. Ferrets can tunnel through the two "O" shaped openings and play with the toys included. It is made from a heavy duty cotton material with a fleece like bottom for cozy comfort. This may be used as a cozy bed as well and is washable ,It is very cute and very fun.
Glider Ball Pit
Sugar Glider Ball Pit fun comes with starter duckie , you can add toys or treats into pit easy to open and easy to clean. Toys hand made with all safe glider chain and charms fun stretchy play straws. Fun climbing chain with bracelet and clear base of pit to watch your baby’s having fun. Many colors for boys and girls and colors all varied for gliders entertainment. Free Shipping. I do special orders as well we can make just about anything you can dream up message me anytime. We also have lots of sprays, treats and so much more made by us long standing glider owners and breeders, So we know what gliders like.
Crittertrail Treat Zone
Treat Zone Dispenser this works with all crittertrail homes great for Hamsters, Mice, Dwarf Hamsters and Rats. fun and great way to let your pet get their goodies. Great deal dont miss out on the FREE shipping
Sugar Glider Ease Spray or Kit
Sugar glider Spray helps relax and calm your Glider weather for their pouch or tent or even on you to bond. Spray their bedding or pouches, toys or home they will enjoy the Eucalyptus and Lavander scents. Your gliders will love you for it!
No more Bored Sugar Glider(we can change Spray to Hedgehogs ) or Rats,Mice, Gerbils, Hamsters , and so much more.
Not just a hanging sleep fun tunnel but completely washable hanging pouch with toys and spray, they can climb, play and even sleep and cuddle up. Will come with lots of Fleece sptrips,
Toys and Even the SPray to entice natural chewing , Burrowing and Foraging Behavior.
Eucalyptus spray safe non toxic great to freshen up all your suggies favorite toys!! OR if you have a hedgehog we will put in the hedgie Spray
This order has Hanging Hammock Double Decker, with Puff Toy and Fleece snuggle Strips, small play soft toy & 4oz glass bottle with FREE Bear TOY!!
Made is small fresh batches, spray your toys or your cage accessories to freshen and Watch them have fun.
We Offer spray complete with Bear toys (bear colors will Vary).and Hanging Hammocks in Blue, Green and Pink ,prints vary as well.
We also Sell a cuddle cup alone or toys alone to refill your cage or hammock. Never any chemicals. Be sure to check out all our fun items. Contact me anytime with questions 785-280-9894
Small Animal Toy & Ledge Combo
Chew Ledge! We take PRide in all natural Animal items. 8 1/2 by 6" This ledge is safe and completely naturally made of Pine safe to Chew for all Small animals.
ALL NATURAL kiln dried pine wooden ledges for chinchillas and other critters Rats, Lemurs, Sugar Gliders, Degus, Guinea Pigs, Squirrels, Birds etc and more. Reversible both sides smooth and non toxic NO PAINTS NO ARTIFICAL COLORING , no additives, chew safe.
Hardware included; hanger bolts installed, 1 1/4" wing nuts and washers included.
with :
Chew Ledge! We take PRide in all natural Animal items. 8 1/2 by 6" This ledge is safe and completely naturally made of Pine safe to Chew for all Small animals.
ALL NATURAL kiln dried pine wooden ledges for chinchillas and other critters Rats, Lemurs, Sugar Gliders, Degus, Guinea Pigs, Squirrels, Birds etc and more. Reversible both sides smooth and non toxic NO PAINTS NO ARTIFICAL COLORING , no additives, chew safe.
Hardware included; hanger bolts installed, 1 1/4" wing nuts and washers included.
Complete Clipper set
This is one of the best clippers , Its not only quiet and super lightweight its also rechargable. has 6 levels of blade length so you can safely clip pads or privates and ear and eye hair without fear of getting to close. Super easy to use and lasts a long time a must have n any pets home and so quiet to trim your guinea pigs privates without ever being a scary sound' Not to mention comes with everything combs and oil so you can trim your pets whenever and where ever you need to
"Take Me Home Mini to Xlarge Carriers"
We offer these for New pet parents to take home their new pet with we can also put these with parents or siblings before you arrive to make the transistion into your new home much more relaxed for your new baby They are verysafe for your new little one and nice and airy with easy handle or shoulder strap. Get a take home blanket as well and we can have your pet snuggling in comfy all the way to your new home. come in three colors grey or green
Tofuitty Puppy Litter
This litter is soft on even the tinest of puppies and digestable if eaten but accident , Completleys dissoves in water so its non binding in system and Flushable, Comes in nice very faint scents. Easy to potty train to the box for new pups when you have a busy schedle or Weather doesnt allow for bathroom trips outside this Litter is the best each vaccum sealed bag fills a small litter box and the large just takes one bag for a nice amount. scoop poops and flush so simple. One bag of this litter lasts in a Small/Large box a few weeks depening on the dog, cat or small animal using it. We switched to this litter years ag for helping to potty train puppies when not quite ready to go outside it is the best even our moms use the box and keeps down the smell and mess. doesnt make the box to heavy to pick up or so light it gets kicked out stays well in the box. You will be happy you tried it.
Dog/Cat/Puppy Litter Pans
We started using these boxes for travel and for puppies we raised to help potty train when the weather was bad or night when wildlife made it unsafe. You will love how sturdy they are and easy to clean wide openings easy for pups and small dogs alike to use. Comes in nice colors and We can send with our amazing Tofuitty litter as well !
This litter is soft on even the tinest of puppies and digestable if eaten but accident , Completleys dissoves in water so its non binding in system and Flushable, Comes in nice very faint scents. Easy to potty train to the box for new pups when you have a busy schedle or Weather doesnt allow for bathroom trips outside this Litter is the best each vaccum sealed bag fills a small litter box and the large just takes one bag for a nice amount. scoop poops and flush so simple. One bag of this litter lasts in a Small/Large box a few weeks depening on the dog, cat or small animal using it. We switched to this litter years ag for helping to potty train puppies when not quite ready to go outside it is the best even our moms use the box and keeps down the smell and mess. doesnt make the box to heavy to pick up or so light it gets kicked out stays well in the box. You will be happy you tried it.
Puppy Teething Toy
These great stuffy with rope toy is what we use to help our teething puppys they are durable yet satsyfing for the babies to play with and carry around
Paw "Potty" Bells
This is one of the best clippers , Its not only quiet and super lightweight its also rechargable. has 6 levels of blade length so you can safely clip pads or privates and ear and eye hair without fear of getting to close. Super easy to use and lasts a long time a must have n any pets home and so quiet to trim your guinea pigs privates without ever being a scary sound' Not to mention comes with everything combs and oil so you can trim your pets whenever and where ever you need to
Paw Balm
Paw Balm is all Natural Pet safe works on Dry Cracked Pads Noses and safe Great for use before walks where citys use Salts on walkways and roads will help protect your dogs pads from burning of slats and other walkway chemicals all while very soothing for you pets feet and great use for pets who get raw or allergies in between toes or pads massage in and see how soothing your pet feels. Made by hand with all natural ingredients and oils.
Our products come with a full instruction card and again i could list every single mite, bug and fungus in the world, that it works for or helps or tell you that vet care for animals are important but i dont think you want to read another 10 pages of things that are not relevant to this product if you do wish to have more information call me or message me anytime so we can talk with you about it before complaining to Etsy without even contacting me thanks I have always answered the calls i have gotten over the 30 years i have been using my products on our animals we raise and all the Rescues we take in and rehab.Works amazing for preventative and spray after baths for mites. Safe for direct spray on pet and cages. Kill mites right away and keep bugs away for good amount for time. We offer a whole line of natural holistic sprays for hedgies, guinea pigs, and many other pets. Made here and completely safe for all pets. Calming spray, no mites on me spray (lasts a long time 4oz) all natural ingredients.
Mite Spray is now offered in large size for multiple pet homes, breeders, rescues, and more. Just choose your size.
(shipping included in price, bottles can come in different colors than pictured)
4oz $15.00
14oz $48.00
Joshua is the Lead Groomer for over 19 years with specialties in Large breeds & Senior Dogs. Jenina is a Master Groomer with I.P.G., is Certified as Master Groomer, Companion Animal Hygienist International Professional Groomer
Veterinary Technician With courses specializing in Aggressive animals
and Senior pets, Breed technologies, Cert. WWPSA in Grooming of Cats, & Exotics. Breeding Husbandry and much more... Joshua & Jenina loves to do continuing education on all types and facets of animals Member of ARBA, AKC Breeder of Merit , IHR
Joshua is Owner and also Groomer .He has worked with Breeding and pets of all types for many years and Specializes in Large & Extra Large dog Grooming and does Local Pick up and Delivery of grooming clients and Supplies.
Both our Groomers and Bathers Specializes in Creative Grooming ( ex: Body Coloring Stenciling, Nail Painting and More) Always non toxic fun Hair dyes and colors.
Address: 312 North Cedar Street, Abilene, KS, 67410
Phone: 785-263-2878
Phone: 785-280-0672
Email: paws.clawsks@gmail.com
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:45pm
Sat 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sun Closed
We do Help take in unwanted small animals if we have the Quarantine space . Pet shops are the number one place that people"dump" their unwanted small critters. Many pet shops try to work with rescues ,the rescues we have found wont work with us because we are a pet shop ..lol We have always maintained the highest standards in finding homes for dumped critters, we get them healthy and never resell any such animals. We work strictly by donation for these pets. If you are ever instrested in a rescued critter send in the applicattion and state that in the notes. If you would like to be a generous person and Donate to our cause the link below will help us out wonderfully.